Ikelite Updated Shutter Trigger Lever and Extension with Ergonomic Adjustability (v2)

15,00 CHF / Pc.
incl. 8,1% Impôt
Stock: 1
Art. N°: 4077.95


Housings produced since early 2017 feature a curved shutter lever to actuate the shutter button (and back button focus where applicable). The rapid fire shutter lever imitates a curved trigger for increased sensitivity and faster reaction times.

User feedback indicates that depending on shooting style, some users prefer their shutter and back button focus levers to oriented slightly differently from the standard design. In August 2020 Ikelite is introducing an upgraded trigger system to meet these needs. The enhanced V2 design allows attachment in 16 positions to provide customizable ergonomics and fine tuned adjustment.

Effective August 2020 the new Trigger Lever v2 and Trigger Extension v2 are shipping on new production housings (serial numbers 73600 or UC65140 and above).

Older housings featuring curved levers can be upgraded using the optional Trigger Lever Update Kit # 4077.94 and Trigger Extension v2 # 4077.95.

The two types of trigger levers are visually distinguished by the size and the shape of the center post. (left) The original trigger lever features a  1/2" (12.7mm) circular post. (right) The new v2 lever features an 3/8" (9.5mm) octagonal post which allows for repositioning.

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